Making life better for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Cat People
We help Empaths & Highly Sensitive Cat People feel seen, understood, and supported on their spiritual journey.
My Kind Of Cat Lover
My kind of cat lover is extraordinarily kind, generous, and intuitive.
They also tend to be HSPs, a.k.a. Highly Sensitive People.
Although being an HSP is a great gift and it's what makes us attuned to our cats and others, it also comes with burdens such as extra stress on the body, mind, and spirit.
We may struggle with:
anxiety • over-giving • people-pleasing • difficulty with boundaries • an overwhelmed nervous system • lack of clarity and focus
Often, the traumas of childhood whether big or small, can lead to becoming an HSP, hyper-vigilant about placating the needs of everyone around us.
And if we lacked security around human caregivers, we may have adapted by turning to pets for acceptance, love, and safety.
This is why our slogan is Love Yourself Like You Love Your Cat and our motto is Self-Care For Cat Lovers®.
My name is Siena.
I began Love & Above Cat Club to share my personal and spiritual growth journey while also supporting fellow cat lovers who feel the same.
My journey has been about learning to feel more safe and regulated in my body, healing from trauma, accepting and integrating grief, receiving help from others, and honoring my gifts, my needs, my limits, and my loves.
Only my kind of cat lover may understand this, but my cats have been an ever-present inspiration and secure space for me all along the way.
(In fact, it was Cumin, my soul cat that inspired it all. Read more here)
Along with my cats, I’ve found that nature always helps, too.
I've personally used flower essences, essential oils, and crystals in my journey for over 30 years. As a spiritual wellness coach and flower essence practitioner, I've incorporated them in sessions with clients for over 20 years.
Energy Is Everything
Everything has an energy and carries a "vibe." Plants, animals, crystals, and even our thoughts and emotions all have an energy to them.
And energy influences everything. This is why I believe in working at the level of energy.
In fact, the "Love & Above" in Love & Above Cat Club is a reference to energy and its various frequencies. Love vibrates at a frequency of 500Hz (Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.). The frequencies 'above' this are associated with Joy, Peace, and Enlightenment.
So by "love & above," I mean exactly that: the energies of love, peace, joy, and enlightenment.
One of my dearest hopes is that people feel this loving energy through what we do online, and our products and services.
You Are Loved.
Energy Tools For
The Love & Above Life
We offer a variety of products to support a high energy vibe for humans, inspired by the profound love between us and our cats.
Energy Support Tools
Flower Essence Blends
Flower essences are a form of natural medicine that respects and channels the energy of various flowers and plants. They are a subtle alternative therapy that has been used for over a century to help bring the energy fields of body, mind, and spirit back into balance.
Our blends use all organic and biodynamic flower essences.
Crystals give off vibrations. This is a verifiable physical truth, and the reason why quartz watches actually work. Perhaps it's these 'vibes' that inform the various properties associated with them.
Crystals hold energy. They can also cleanse, clear, and transmute energy.
The crystals we offer are ethically sourced.
Flower Essence Blends with Essential Oils
Used for centuries, science has learned that scent molecules of essential oils, when inhaled, travel from olfactory nerves to directly impact the amygdala, the brain's emotional center. We add select essential oils to flower essences for those who want a scent component.
Our blends use all organic essential oils.
How This All Began...
I was 4 years old, standing on a stool, watching as my aunt poured Purina Cat Chow from a big bag into a giant stainless steel bowl. Next came a can of Figaro Cat Tuna. Then a quick sprinkle of warm water. As my aunt mixed the little x’s to coat each one with tuna, she said…
Praise From Cat Lovers