Do Cats See Ghosts? The Highly Sensitive Person & Their Cat
Do Cats See Ghosts?

I swear, Bear does!
Often he’ll be staring down the dark hallway with his large eyes and ears on alert! Other times, something will distract him and suddenly, he’s fixated, riveted by something seemingly BEHIND YOU!
I know this isn’t unique to Bear and I know some of your cats probably do the same thing.
They may stare at “nothing” or start crouching down with airplane ears, or even hiss. Although there aren’t any scientific studies done on whether cats can see ghosts or not, the fact that their senses are so superior to ours make them ideal candidates to befriend that ghost in your house.
When it comes to our cats:
- Their hearing is 6-8 times better than ours.
- They can see better at night.
- They pick up even the most subtle shifts in energy in the environment, including emotions and moods.
I think this is one reason why us HSCP (Highly Sensitive Cat People) are so drawn to cats - we get each other!
We pick up and process all of the vibes!

Growing up as a Highly Sensitive Person, I felt like an oddball, an outsider.
And back then, the “HSP” wasn’t even a thing yet!
In school, I’d cry a lot and now know that the energy of everything was just overwhelming.
This was why I often opted to stay in during recess, alone, by myself in the classroom. At nights, I remember being so tired and I couldn’t wait to sleep - what kid loves to sleep?! From the non-HSP perspective, you might clearly wonder what’s wrong with this kid?
This is why we find solace in subtle energies and other sensitive beings.
For me, it was playing outside alone, in nature with plants, picking up and holding certain rocks and crystals and being with my cats. Instantly, there’s an understanding of being seen, safe and grounded in energy.
Just this past week, Isabel, in our community, commented on the blog post The Pain of Losing Your Soul Cat, and shared how she just lost her beloved cat, Gizma.
Gizma got sick right after her Guardian, Isabel did.
Isabel needed emergency surgery and Gizma passed after she knew Isabel was going to be okay.
I remember how Cumin would lay on my stomach if I had a stomach ache or curl up near my head if I had a headache.
Our cats do this, especially our soul cats.
Our soul cats check in, they’re in tune with us, they make sure we’re okay.
As a HSCP, because of our special gift, we’re usually the ones doing this with other people in our lives.
So then, our cats become a place to let our guards down, our soft place to fall and just Be.
If you’re new to the term Highly Sensitive Person, or what we at Love & Above have rephrased as Highly Sensitive Cat Person, an HSCP is a cat lover who is extra sensitive to their environment whether physical, emotional or social. They are more easily overwhelmed by sensations like loud sounds, bright lights, or smells.

Although being an HSP really is a great gift and it's what makes us so attuned to others, it also comes with burdens such as extra stress on the body, mind, and spirit.
As we've said on our homepage, we may struggle with:
- anxiety
- over-giving
- people-pleasing
- difficulty with boundaries
- an overwhelmed nervous system
- lack of clarity and focus
But getting back to seeing ghosts…
I guess the point of all this is that:
Our Highly Sensitive nature makes it so that for us, the veil between worlds is thin, almost all of the time.
Thinner than it is for the average person, anyway.
We’re similar to cats, naturally sensing what most other people don’t!
It can be startling, or amusing, when our cats “see a ghost.”
When that happens, it reminds me that:
The world really is energy.
I’m not crazy, nor “too sensitive”
I’m just Highly Sensitive.
The world may think it’s a trick.
But people like us know: it can actually be a treat.
Hi Siena, Those pictures of Bear are so sweet !! My cats stare at a spot on the wall and jump at it or stare out the window at night ! About 10 years ago, I learned about
HSP and realized that’s my gift in this life.
Now, I’m excited to know that I’m a HS
CAT PERSON !! Thanks so much for
sharing your gifts: Love and Above Cat Club
and your HSCP energy 😻.
Take care, Karen ☮️❤️😻
Love and Above Cat Club replied:
Aw, Karen, that was such a sweet note! Thank you so much! YES! We are indeed HSCPs!!!!!!!! I hope you and all the cats are doing well! And thank you for your order too!
I can’t claim to be an HSP but I believe a lot of what you say is true – it makes such good sense ! Thanks for the insights for those of us who aren’t quite there yet.
Love and Above Cat Club replied:
Hi Mary! You’re exactly the kind of friend that us HSPs need – you get it, you understand and because you don’t fully identify as one, you’re really great to be around to help hold energetic space. Kinda like a beautiful buffer! And because you don’t absorb it all, it’s not taxing for you but makes a world of difference for us! 😌😺 Thanks for reading and sharing, Mary!
This is so sweet. I am definitely an HSCP! And our cats take such good care of us.
Our gray boy Han came and laid with me when I was in a difficult zoom group therapy session. It feels like he protects my energy, my heart. Another person remarked on how great it was to have him there with us. Cats are just the best!
Love and Above Cat Club replied:
Hi Sam! Oh I love this and I love that Han is such a protector! Zooms can be rough and often more exhausting because we’re taking in more information, sensing so much more than in a phone call – where it’s the voice and the vibe. But a Zoom can definitely be more connecting depending on the attendees, etc. I absolutely LOVE when there’s a cat cameo on any Zoom! Thanks so much for sharing and hope you, Han and Chewy have a great Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Love and Above Cat Club replied:
Happy Halloween, Maddie! Hope you and Wednesday enjoy!!!
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