Why I Started Using Flower Essences in Law School
When The Student Is Ready…
Over twenty five years ago...I was sitting in the professor's office, book open on my lap, pouring and mixing flower essence formulas.

Every now and then, I’d glance up at the gold, letter-embossed books lining the shelves, then smile at the incredible human being in front me, who was trusting me to help her through the physical pain she was enduring.
The core of her physical pain was emotional pain.
I was mixing my law school professor’s second formula after one of our student-advisor sessions.
Although some might say there’s a lot wrong with that picture (hello, boundaries!) there was so much that was instinctively and intuitively right.

The Literal Meaning of the Word “Catholic” Is “Universal”
Throughout the latter years of my Catholic upbringing, I always felt there was something more than this religion, something Greater.
And this wasn’t a shock to anyone in my family.
I was the 4-year old talking to the giant rose quartz crystals that my great-grandpa had actually mined himself.
I soon started following and listening to this thing in me, this voice that guided, led, and lit up pathways.
Even finding myself in law school was Divinely led.
Why A “Woo-Woo” Girl Goes To Law School

I had just graduated with my degree in Social Work and I was devastated when I wasn’t accepted into the Master’s program. I knew it was competitive but I had graduated with honors, and still.
Then suddenly, I had the idea to apply for law school.
Never once did I ever think of being an attorney, but at the time, Hawaii was the only state that didn’t yet license their social workers.
I thought perhaps having this degree would help me do the most good.
So there I was, at the end of Spring, researching all I needed to do to even apply. I studied, took the LSAT, wrote an essay and applied…all within a few months.
Somehow I got in!
And that Fall, I started school.
It was a world made for extroverts
I’m a painfully private introvert and the Socratic learning method of the school was enough to send me spiraling each day.
If you’re an introvert, imagine being called on in a class of about 100, having to stand up, think on your feet, and banter with the professor….for 20 minutes!!!!! My palms get just a tad sweaty even writing this. I’d get through a day, breathe a sigh of relief, then immediately start spinning out in worry for the next.
I think you all know by now that I’m not an attorney.
So what was that all for?

It Led Me Right To Flower Essences
I’m so grateful for my law school experience because that’s when I was introduced to vibrational medicine, also known as energy medicine.
An angel of a friend suggested I try flower essences to help with all the stress and anxiety I felt.
Flower essences are a form of vibrational or energy medicine that helps bring the body back into balance.
At the time, you could only get it as a tincture that you would take directly on your tongue or add to your water.
The important thing is to take it consistently.
After using them for just a day, I noticed a difference.
Flower essence shifts can happen quickly but they’re often most noticed by those who are empathic or highly sensitive (Highly Sensitive Person).
*Learn more about flower essences and how they work here.

Most of us empaths and HSPs have a trauma history which conditions us to be hyper-aware
But anyone really working on their awareness and personal growth will notice changes.
Now don’t misunderstand: it wasn’t like the flower essences turned me into a self-confident extrovert.
But it certainly took the edge off the intensity of stress and anxiety I was experiencing.
What’s even more incredible is that attempting to heal something on the surface will often start to unravel so much that the necessary core healing will be revealed.
All the body really wants to do is heal itself and flower essences can facilitate this
My core healing was about using my voice and gifts.
Did I really want to be using my voice to banter with my professor about cases that would eventually put me in a courtroom doing the same?
My initial intention was to use my voice on behalf of others, to speak for them.
But I realized what I really wanted to do is help others heal and learn to use their own voice.
Speaking your truth gives others the courage and strength to speak theirs
So it turned out that Law School held some life-affirming and positive learnings for me, just not the ones you’d probably expect.
But Life is so like that.
After two years of Law School, I left to study the healing arts and music in California…again, Divinely led!
Thank you for sharing the how and why of your beautiful scents. I relate to you even more, coming from a religious background as well :)
Love and Above Cat Club replied:
Ahhhh…always nice to meet a fellow “former” Catholic! 😺 I kept some of the things I appreciate about the religion and let go of the rest! Thanks for taking the time to read the blog!
another lovely blog, baring your soul to us. As an 99% introvert, i deeply identify with the drive to help others, but the instinctual need to hide….the internet has really allowed me to reach out and connect with others like myself. I really felt the immediate connection to the flower essences, even though i had no real practical understanding previously. I believe it was instinctual, I am an earth sign after all. Humans do not put enough emphasis on scent, and how it affects us on an emotional level. So thank you, Sienna for your guidance.
Love and Above Cat Club replied:
Thank you so much for reading the blog and sharing! Glad to know we’re in this together!
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