Webinar on Grieving: NEW DATE ADDED - Aug. 28, 2021

We’re grateful to sponsor this second webinar on grief: honoring it, understanding it, experiencing it, and during this traumatic time, no less. The first webinar was so good, and we know this one will be, too.

If you've ever experienced losing a beloved animal, this will be a valuable time.

cat sitting with cartoon wings drawn onto it

You're Not Going Crazy, You're Grieving: Navigating Animal Companion Loss in a Pandemic World

Saturday, August 28, 2021
10 - 11:30 am Pacific Time



As you grieve, the sand may shift beneath your feet, but it need not swallow you.

In the safe space of this interactive webinar, Jackson Galaxy along with Animal Companion Loss Recovery Specialist, Stephanie Rogers, GCCA-C (Grief Counselor Child/Adolescent-Certified), CT (Certified in Thanatology), will guide us with a gentle hand through learning about Disenfranchised Grief, Compounded Grief, and more. These learnings and acknowledgements help comfort us in a world where personal grief is amplified by the universal losses associated with COVID-19.

You may have lost an animal companion recently or years ago. Either way, we hope you'll join us to experience the support of the company of others who are incorporating similar losses in their own lives.

You are not alone.

A recording of the webinar will be available to view after the event.

💌 Love Note: In an effort to widen accessibility to this specific session, tickets are $10 (as opposed to $20 for the other Cat Camp webinars). Attendees of the first webinar (which was held on Aug. 14) should’ve already received an email invitation directly from the Cat Camp organization. New attendees are warmly welcomed to ⭐️ register for this second webinar. ⭐️ Please register if you, or someone you know, could benefit.

This webinar is part of Jackson Galaxy's Cat Camp Summer Sessions.

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