Mission Meow: The Runaways Animal Rescue
"Big or Small, We Save Them All"
It's a great slogan and a great hook!
(A "hook" is the catchy part of a song.)
Was the name The Runaways Animal Rescue inspired by Joan Jett's famous '70s rock band The Runaways?
We don't know, but just like a hot new single, they definitely climbed the animal rescue charts soon after their inception in 2020.

In 2021, they already got their very own building in Pasco County, FL.
And they've already helped over 2,900 animals!
That's just one reason we were soooo happy that Mission Meow helped us send them $15,000 for shiny, new, big, beautiful cat cubbies in their intake room! (Instead of old, cramped, and hard-to-clean cages.)
In case you're wondering, no, we absolutely did not have a spare $15,000 sitting around!
What we have is a commitment to the collective.
That's where Mission Meow comes in.
Mission Meow is a non-profit that gathers and manages small contributions from a collective of cat-loving businesses (over 60 of them), so that together, we can make big grants, and a big difference, for small feline non-profits.
It's the power of us working together that makes the difference.
So here's a word of encouragement for you, in your personal life of self-improvement and self-care.

Most time, the mainstream culture's messages and advice about success, achievement, and personal growth focus solely on our individual choices, that impact our individual lives.
And yes, that's important of course!
But let's be honest: you can't meditate your way out of systemic discrimination or climate change.
The problems of our era require a collective approach.
And that, in turn, comes from intentional individuals.
We're here to support those intentional individuals.
We're here with a commitment to a culture of the collective.
And we hope you join us, at least in spirit.
Before we close this blog post, here's the other reason we were soooo happy to be part of helping The Runaways Animal Rescue.
In the footer of their website, we saw these words:
LGBTQIA+ - Black Lives Matter - Hate Has No Home Here
Thank you, Runaways Animal Rescue, for the work you do, the love you share, and the principles you stand and speak for.

...stay tuned for the next season's grant recipient!
If you're a small business and want to pool your contributions with other cat-loving businesses like us, check out missionmeow.org/business-partnerships.
If you want to apply to be a recipient of a Mission Meow grant, the application is at missionmeow.org/grant-applications
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